This is a bit of a different post for me but I just want everyone to know how amazingly wonderful these pups are! I love them so much!! And yes I'm that crazy dog lady! I'd have a 100 of them if I could! Now don't get me wrong I do love "dogs" in general but I must admit I'm a bit of a dog snob when it comes to the GSD! Lol. When I walk these two heads definitely turn! Everyone wants to pet them! But they are not having any of that! Nacho keeps strangers away, my sweet boy is a bit of a bully😬
This is my sweet baby Zeke at 3 months. He was my Mother's Day gift this year!
Nacho is a bit of a ball hog. Poor Zeke never gets to play with the toys when he's around!! Can you tell?
This crazy boy literally squeezed his big ol' self into this bucket because it had water in it! Yeah it gets hot in Texas!
Here's Nacho and Zeke waiting for a scooby snack!
Nacho waiting for me to finish brushing my teeth!

Nacho what are you doing on the couch?? - - You talking to me??

A girl and her dog

Sweet baby Zeke

Nacho and dad in their Halloween costume

So handsome


OMH he is actually smiling 😊
Such a cutie

Photo bomb

He is so crazy he just plopped down on his lap! He looks HUGE in this picture!


My boys

Merry Christmas from the boys!

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